prima hoist Case Study

prima hoist:
-1000k 2200# capacity
– 0-32FPM
– AVD controlled
– 7/20 chain bag
– Dual brake
– Absolute Encoder
– Integrated Load cell
– D8
Case Review: prima hoist
The original order for this system was 75 motors, drives, motion controller, handheld touchscreens, cabling and other support hardware. In other words everything but the front-end control software.
Verendus consulted with our suppliers to find the base motor to alter to meet our client’s need and we quickly arrived at a chain master Liftket body. After removing all of the existing fixed speed controls, we added a custom designed loadcell, absolute encoder and EtherCat interface to the existing motor.
Since one of the main requirements for this system was touring durability, we made some design choices with our loadcell that made it smaller, simpler and more rugged that others on the market. The loadcell design as well as other control choices meant that the prima hoist has no external control enclosures or wiring to be cut or damaged onsite so rough handling by local crews is not a concern. Additionally, each piece of control hardware was internally designed and then vetted by our client to be as powerful and as cost effective as possible to keep price to a minimum.
As with all projects of this scale there were schedule and scope changes that altered our plans but as you must we adapted and delivered a rugged fully tested hardware system right on time to our client. As per their schedule, we were able to design, build and deliver the first batch of 25 motors and supporting hardware within 6 weeks of the start of contract.
By coincidence, the nature of this motor design has made it a perfect stock product for us, and we now offer intelligent chain motors in both Liftket and CM bodies.